
Where can i find online course for cell phone repair

YES, you can find the cell phone repair training course online in REWA Academy. From basic course to professional repair case. You can system learning mobile phone repair. Of course, you can buy the course according to your repair level for month or year.

Course Package Included:

  • Foundation course:

Intended for iPhone repair enthusiasts and beginners, this foundation course package covers explanation of iPhone motherboard basic electronic components, frequently used motherboard repair tools and commonly adopted iPhone motherboard repair methods. Take this course and make an important step forward to the repair world

  • Handwork course

This handwork course package focus on soldering/desoldering techniques of RC-components, BGA chips, SMD connectors and CPU of different iPhone models, detailed explanation of jumping wires, and techniques for iPhone double-stacked motherboard separation/recombination. Take this course and you will master iPhone motherboard micro-soldering techniques. This is the course that can help you understand the right tools for micro-soldering to avoid further damaging the motherboard, and lay a good foundation for your daily repair work

  • Workflow troubleshooting course

This circuit work-flow and troubleshooting course package covers iPhone 6 and iPhone 7. Take this course and you will fully understand the work-flow of different iPhone circuits, figure out possible causes for different issues, and master general troubleshooting process of each circuit. Get trained with this circuit course and learn how to troubleshoot efficiently in your daily repair work.

  • Real-life repair case

This real-life repair case course package consists of different repair cases of different iPhone models. Take this course and you will identify different iPhone issues, master troubleshooting processes of these issues and learn how to complete your repair work safely and efficiently.

  • Cell phone broken screen refurbishment

This screen refurbishment course package covers refurbishing techniques of iPhone flat/OLED screen, Samsung curved screen, and iPhone back glass. Take this course and you will learn detailed refurbishing steps and master operation guides of common refurbishing equipment. This is the course that can help you complete your refurbishing work efficiently and successfully.

You can choose one month access or one year access. The latter is cost-effective.

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